Day 12: Salamanca
Hello! Today was the first day of classes for my 2nd week, my first Monday actually because I had a placement test last week and didn't start class til Tuesday. For breakfast I had some instant coffee and some cereal. It was corn flakes but their milk tastes different than the milk in the US, it's low fat but tastes a little sweeter..reminds me of this milk I used to drink in the Philippines Paul, mama what is it called? they came in the little milk plastic cans and had a red top?
My grammar class went pretty good..we started subjunctive and imperative verbs again which is a little dumb to me because the teacher even said they barely use it only for like literature lol. But it's okay, I'll just have to re learn it because I haven't touched Spanish Grammar since freshman year.
I don't know if I already told you guys but Rodrigo (the ISA director that's been with us the whole time) has his vacation this week and he's doing the Camino de Santiago and he's walking part of it for a week. I was telling him how I was going to do it and he said it's doable if you have a month but it definitely still tests your stamina and the point of it is to see the tomb of Saint Sebastian and it really is a religious pilgrimage. I wish I could even walk part of it but it's okay because I'm seeing sooo many things already! Also, he taught me that natives and people who were born and raised in Salamanca are called Salamantinas, I told him people from Chicago are called Chicagoans but that was too hard for him to repeat lol.
I learned a new word in grammar. Abrigado is the adjective to describe layers of clothing for winter. It's funny because Obrigada is thank you in Portugese and I just learned that word this weekend.
Also everyone in my Spanish classes in the U.S. say Mira when they want me to pay attention but here they say Oyi (hear this) and Fijate (pay attention you).
My history class and culture class went well. I found out today while we were talking about Spain's Departments and Ministries in their government that the Ministry of Education does not have a permanent curriculum for education. Like in the U.S. it's always 4 years in high school etc but in Spain there isn't a permanent rule so it messes some kids up, it's weird. Also, we talked about "hacer la mili" which is the term for joining the army. Some make a career out of it but they still have a rule in Spain anyway that if you're a first born man that you have to do one year of service so you know how to respond during a crisis. Also Spain's army is in Iraq and Afghanistan and our teacher (Enrique, who I love..he's always smiling and has a byciclist's body) said it's stupid because they don't say their part of the war just helping humanity but he said, try telling that to the soldiers dying there what the difference is. hah. We also talked about the origin of the tapas. The little cocktail size appetizers they serve with wine or beer in tapas bars. You are technically supposed to tapas bar hop, your dinner party buys one tapas and one round of wine to drink and eat at one tapas bar then you throw your napkin down if you like it then you guys move to another tapas bar and the other person buys the next round, etc. The origin of the tapas is back to the middle ages when the king alfonso got sick and could only drink but he wanted to also eat. well he only wanted to drink wine and eat on top of that. so someone put ham around the lid of his cup/glass of wine (tapas means lid) and he ate the wine glass size piece of ham with his wine literally. birth of the tapas. weird food history lol.
my teacher Enrique was on a tv show when it first came out in Salamanca that portrayed the history of Salamanca and he said he'll find ppl in France that come up to him and ask him about Salamanca, so cool.
Also, there's this statue in Salamanca that we passed after our futbol (soccer) game that one day and I took a picture because it was just weird. It's a big staute of an animal but it's missing a head. Well he told us today that that statue stands on the original location of Salamanca when it was just a samll territory of the Romans. You guys will see it when I post pictures.
Okay so that was my day in school but now for what I did afterwards. Well ISA sent us an email yesterday that we could participate in an intercambio (student exchange) at 6:30 so we went thinking it wasn't going to be a big deal. Because Spaniards dont' really do summer school so we were tihnking it'd be one person for all of us. Nope we got there and there were 15 of them and only 5 of us showed up so it was verrryyy intimidating. Plus most of them were older trying to get some schooling during their vacation. We went to a cafe and ISA bought each one of us one non alcoholic drink and they asked us (the foreign students lol) to sit down then the Spaniard students came to each table. I sat down last and I got these 2 older ladies (maybe 40 or above) who barely spoke any english. One knew a good amount of english but her accent was very thick so I couldn't understand her anyway and the other knew very verrryy little. My Spanish was def. more advanced than their English which was kind of cool cus I could be like a teacher and I felt like a speech therapist getting them to say the sounds they weren't used to. But when they didn't know how tos ay anthing they would turn and talk to each other really fast and then turn to me every 5 mins and be like "Entiende?" (do you understand) and I'd say yes and want to say a response but Spaniards they just talk over each other and talk loud so after awhile I just butted in and spoke a lil louder too and would talk in Spanish and I felt a little rude but in Spain that's j ust how they talk so they thought nothing of it. After speaking to them for about an hour in Spanish they were like you speak really fast and you understand our natural speed, you're very good (and that just BOOSTED my confidence up sooo much, I am on cloud 9) but then they said can you help us practice our English and I'd ask what I thought were simple questions but turned out not. Oh and also it's a lottt harder to speak slowly without sounding like you are making fun of them or talking down to them. I don't know how our teachers can do it, you have to be so patient and remember to use proper terms because that's what they're bein taught (like I said kids and they didn't know what it was, they knew children). But so I asked them if they had kids and one said yes 2 kids one 14 and one 16. actually her 14 yr old son joined us at the end but he didn't know any Spanish and he didn't speak Castelan (the traditional Spanish) that well. The other lady (the one who's English is very basic) was tellin me how her husband and her don't want kids but then they mae these gestures that looked liek they were fishing and grabbing something and after awhile I realized they were talking about fishing for a baby, like ADOPTION lol. Their names were Carmen and Carolina and I was obviously Camila so one girl pointed to each of us and said "Ka,Ka,Ka..KaKaKa" and she thought it was hilarious lol. They taught me some fun things like the @ sign is called arroba. Also this might be only cool for me but they explained when I was trying to explain which to the girl with the thick accent and she kept saying whi minus the -ch that people from the south of spain (like her) have an accent where they drop the last syllable or part of a word and it's hard for americans because we hang on and wait for the last part of the word and even over annunciate the last part of words and they just drop it. When ppl from my ISA group started leaving, the SPanish students they were talking to started coming to talk to me. I had 6 natives talking me all at the same time at one point..if that's not the best practice or cultural immersion then I don't know what is. Two girls were close to my age, 17 and 19 and spoke pretty good English. They told me that their high school is 5 years. I got all of their email addresses so I will add them on facebook and they got my email address. It was SOOOOO fun and challengging at the same time. I think one if not the most challenging thing I've done so far to test my Spanish. The one woman who has 2 kids and had her son there was telling one of the natives (this older guy) and my room mate Emily that I was very good in Spanish, very fast, almost could pass for a native!!! I was beyond flattered and it makes me jst want to work harder so I coudl talk to more. The one girl who was 19 talked to Lauren too and wants to meet at the Plaza Mayor on Thursday with Lauren and I at night so hopefully that will go just as good! And hopefully everyone I met I can be friends with on facebook and practice my spanish there. One woman's main source of learning English before this summer was to go on google, read english newspapers, and go on facebook so hopefully I can help her practice! So fun!! ahh Intercambio!
The other thing I did was finalize the plans with our group and ISA for the trip to San Sebastian this weekend, we have our hotel rooms and we are walkign to the train station tomorrow to buy our tickets.
I miss you sooooooooooo much.
It was very hard not to cry today when yo were telling me about Lolo and yours and TIm's cars. I feel like I can't help at all and I feel guilty for being here :( I really hope the car situation gets better :( Also, I talked to Ricky today on facebook and he seems okay and he said to get him something cool and unique as a souvenir. My director said a lot of ppl buy family like lil swords as souvenirs so maybe that.
Hasta luego! (Until later!)
My grammar class went pretty good..we started subjunctive and imperative verbs again which is a little dumb to me because the teacher even said they barely use it only for like literature lol. But it's okay, I'll just have to re learn it because I haven't touched Spanish Grammar since freshman year.
I don't know if I already told you guys but Rodrigo (the ISA director that's been with us the whole time) has his vacation this week and he's doing the Camino de Santiago and he's walking part of it for a week. I was telling him how I was going to do it and he said it's doable if you have a month but it definitely still tests your stamina and the point of it is to see the tomb of Saint Sebastian and it really is a religious pilgrimage. I wish I could even walk part of it but it's okay because I'm seeing sooo many things already! Also, he taught me that natives and people who were born and raised in Salamanca are called Salamantinas, I told him people from Chicago are called Chicagoans but that was too hard for him to repeat lol.
I learned a new word in grammar. Abrigado is the adjective to describe layers of clothing for winter. It's funny because Obrigada is thank you in Portugese and I just learned that word this weekend.
Also everyone in my Spanish classes in the U.S. say Mira when they want me to pay attention but here they say Oyi (hear this) and Fijate (pay attention you).
My history class and culture class went well. I found out today while we were talking about Spain's Departments and Ministries in their government that the Ministry of Education does not have a permanent curriculum for education. Like in the U.S. it's always 4 years in high school etc but in Spain there isn't a permanent rule so it messes some kids up, it's weird. Also, we talked about "hacer la mili" which is the term for joining the army. Some make a career out of it but they still have a rule in Spain anyway that if you're a first born man that you have to do one year of service so you know how to respond during a crisis. Also Spain's army is in Iraq and Afghanistan and our teacher (Enrique, who I love..he's always smiling and has a byciclist's body) said it's stupid because they don't say their part of the war just helping humanity but he said, try telling that to the soldiers dying there what the difference is. hah. We also talked about the origin of the tapas. The little cocktail size appetizers they serve with wine or beer in tapas bars. You are technically supposed to tapas bar hop, your dinner party buys one tapas and one round of wine to drink and eat at one tapas bar then you throw your napkin down if you like it then you guys move to another tapas bar and the other person buys the next round, etc. The origin of the tapas is back to the middle ages when the king alfonso got sick and could only drink but he wanted to also eat. well he only wanted to drink wine and eat on top of that. so someone put ham around the lid of his cup/glass of wine (tapas means lid) and he ate the wine glass size piece of ham with his wine literally. birth of the tapas. weird food history lol.
my teacher Enrique was on a tv show when it first came out in Salamanca that portrayed the history of Salamanca and he said he'll find ppl in France that come up to him and ask him about Salamanca, so cool.
Also, there's this statue in Salamanca that we passed after our futbol (soccer) game that one day and I took a picture because it was just weird. It's a big staute of an animal but it's missing a head. Well he told us today that that statue stands on the original location of Salamanca when it was just a samll territory of the Romans. You guys will see it when I post pictures.
Okay so that was my day in school but now for what I did afterwards. Well ISA sent us an email yesterday that we could participate in an intercambio (student exchange) at 6:30 so we went thinking it wasn't going to be a big deal. Because Spaniards dont' really do summer school so we were tihnking it'd be one person for all of us. Nope we got there and there were 15 of them and only 5 of us showed up so it was verrryyy intimidating. Plus most of them were older trying to get some schooling during their vacation. We went to a cafe and ISA bought each one of us one non alcoholic drink and they asked us (the foreign students lol) to sit down then the Spaniard students came to each table. I sat down last and I got these 2 older ladies (maybe 40 or above) who barely spoke any english. One knew a good amount of english but her accent was very thick so I couldn't understand her anyway and the other knew very verrryy little. My Spanish was def. more advanced than their English which was kind of cool cus I could be like a teacher and I felt like a speech therapist getting them to say the sounds they weren't used to. But when they didn't know how tos ay anthing they would turn and talk to each other really fast and then turn to me every 5 mins and be like "Entiende?" (do you understand) and I'd say yes and want to say a response but Spaniards they just talk over each other and talk loud so after awhile I just butted in and spoke a lil louder too and would talk in Spanish and I felt a little rude but in Spain that's j ust how they talk so they thought nothing of it. After speaking to them for about an hour in Spanish they were like you speak really fast and you understand our natural speed, you're very good (and that just BOOSTED my confidence up sooo much, I am on cloud 9) but then they said can you help us practice our English and I'd ask what I thought were simple questions but turned out not. Oh and also it's a lottt harder to speak slowly without sounding like you are making fun of them or talking down to them. I don't know how our teachers can do it, you have to be so patient and remember to use proper terms because that's what they're bein taught (like I said kids and they didn't know what it was, they knew children). But so I asked them if they had kids and one said yes 2 kids one 14 and one 16. actually her 14 yr old son joined us at the end but he didn't know any Spanish and he didn't speak Castelan (the traditional Spanish) that well. The other lady (the one who's English is very basic) was tellin me how her husband and her don't want kids but then they mae these gestures that looked liek they were fishing and grabbing something and after awhile I realized they were talking about fishing for a baby, like ADOPTION lol. Their names were Carmen and Carolina and I was obviously Camila so one girl pointed to each of us and said "Ka,Ka,Ka..KaKaKa" and she thought it was hilarious lol. They taught me some fun things like the @ sign is called arroba. Also this might be only cool for me but they explained when I was trying to explain which to the girl with the thick accent and she kept saying whi minus the -ch that people from the south of spain (like her) have an accent where they drop the last syllable or part of a word and it's hard for americans because we hang on and wait for the last part of the word and even over annunciate the last part of words and they just drop it. When ppl from my ISA group started leaving, the SPanish students they were talking to started coming to talk to me. I had 6 natives talking me all at the same time at one point..if that's not the best practice or cultural immersion then I don't know what is. Two girls were close to my age, 17 and 19 and spoke pretty good English. They told me that their high school is 5 years. I got all of their email addresses so I will add them on facebook and they got my email address. It was SOOOOO fun and challengging at the same time. I think one if not the most challenging thing I've done so far to test my Spanish. The one woman who has 2 kids and had her son there was telling one of the natives (this older guy) and my room mate Emily that I was very good in Spanish, very fast, almost could pass for a native!!! I was beyond flattered and it makes me jst want to work harder so I coudl talk to more. The one girl who was 19 talked to Lauren too and wants to meet at the Plaza Mayor on Thursday with Lauren and I at night so hopefully that will go just as good! And hopefully everyone I met I can be friends with on facebook and practice my spanish there. One woman's main source of learning English before this summer was to go on google, read english newspapers, and go on facebook so hopefully I can help her practice! So fun!! ahh Intercambio!
The other thing I did was finalize the plans with our group and ISA for the trip to San Sebastian this weekend, we have our hotel rooms and we are walkign to the train station tomorrow to buy our tickets.
I miss you sooooooooooo much.
It was very hard not to cry today when yo were telling me about Lolo and yours and TIm's cars. I feel like I can't help at all and I feel guilty for being here :( I really hope the car situation gets better :( Also, I talked to Ricky today on facebook and he seems okay and he said to get him something cool and unique as a souvenir. My director said a lot of ppl buy family like lil swords as souvenirs so maybe that.
Hasta luego! (Until later!)
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